8:30‑9:00 am
- Arrival at the site.
- Registration.
- Seating assignments for official teams.
- Refreshments and social.
9:00‑9:29 am
- Opening remarks.
- Invocation.
- Introduction of teams, guests, and VIP's.
- Final instructions.
9:30‑9:40 am
- First Round 10 minutes/15 points
- There will be three problems, ranging from easy to moderate.
- The point values for each problem will be 4, 5, and 6.
- Students may work together on all three exercises.
9:45‑9:50 am
- Second Round: 5 minutes/5 points.
9:55‑10:01 am
- Third Round: 6 minutes/6 points.
10:06‑10:13 am
- Fourth Round: 7 minutes/7 points.
10:18‑10:26 am
- Fifth Round: 8 minutes/18 points.
- There will be three problems.
- Each problem shall be worth 6 points each.
- The exercises shall be of moderate difficulty.
- The exercises shall be done individually, where each member of the three‑member team will do one problem.
- The three categories of problems shall be specified by the problems committee and might be algebra/ geometry, trigonometry, and probability.
- Further instructions will be given before the fifth round begins.
- Before receiving the problems, the students and the coach, if necessary, shall decide who will do which category of problem.
- The chair that the student occupies at each team's table (for example, left, middle, or right) will determine which category of the problem the student will do.
10:26‑10:41 am
- Half‑time.
- Talk.
- Report of half‑time scores.
- Announcements.
- Refreshments.
10:41‑10:50 am
- Sixth Round: 9 minutes/9 points.
10:55‑11:10 am
- Seventh Round: 15 minutes/20 points.
- There will be three problems, ranging from easy to very difficult.
- The point values for the problems will be 4, 6, and 10.
- Students may work together on all three exercises.
11:15‑11:25 am
- Eighth Round: 10 minutes/10 points.
11:25‑11:45 am
- Break.
- Totaling of team scores.
11:45 am‑12:00 pm
- Tie‑breaker, if necessary.
12:05‑1:45 pm
- Entertainment.
- Lunch.
- Talks.
- Report of final results.
- Presentation of awards and accolades.
We would love to host the Math Bowl on any of the outer islands in Hawaii!! If your Outer Island school wants to host the Math Bowl, please contact Scott Hyde